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Flamingo Painting 12x24"

Flamingo Painting 12x24"

Sales Tax Included

Acrylic on 12x14x1.5 gallery wrapped canvas, satin finish. Love these Florida flamingos, reminds me of home.




    Paintings are packaged in plastic, bubble wrap and craft paper to insure a safe delivery. US Post will be used mostly, on occasion I'll use UPS ground.  When shipping within the United States  it takes 3-7 business days and International shipping takes 6 - 30 days. Once the painting has been shipped, you will be emailed a tracking number along with your shipping notification.

  • Refunds & Returns

    All sales final. However,  if the painting becomes lost in delivery, a full refund is given. If a painting is damaged during delivery, a second painting can be painted for you free of charge.

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